Life Coach Carol Becker

Carol E. Becker, CCHt

Dementia Therapy Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master TimeLine® Practitioner, Trauma Therapist.

Brain Bits

Carol Becker - Dementia Therapist

Carol E. Becker, CCHt Dementia Therapy Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master TimeLine® Practitioner, Trauma Therapist

I was in a coma in 1985. When I woke up…

  • I could think, but there were no words.

  • I knew what I wanted to do, but my body didn’t know how.

  • What the hell was happening to me?

It’s not that I’d forgotten that I once knew how to tie my shoe laces - I just couldn’t do it. It’s not that I’d forgotten that I had loved broccoli - my speaking system couldn’t find the word nor to speak it.

During my recovery I remembered the story of Sister Kenney in 1940 during the Polio epidemic. Among her other treatments, when her patient’s limbs were immobile, she moved those arms and legs, and taught their brain to remember.

I taught my brain to remember my vocabulary and how to speak

Crossword puzzles quickly exposed my brain to a boat load of words. Reading aloud exercised the entire system; brain, eyes, vocabulary, lungs, breathing, the larynx, epiglottis, mouth, and lips to form and say words.

Restoring those connections was my first experience in ‘brain coaching’ and that’s what I do!

……coach the brains of people with dementia to restore lost connections. After recovering and returning to my occupation as a mechanical design engineer, I began preparing for a retirement career - learning as much as I could about dementia. One seminar neurologist, when I asked, said my risk for developing dementia due to the coma was ‘possible’.

If you are concerned that your problems with memory and movement are dementia, click here to download a free chart that describes the behaviours of normal aging versus those with dementia and learn more about the early stages of dementia.

Let me help you with your loved ones in dementia care


Are you are a person with early stage dementia wanting ways to deal with your experience, and learn more about what lies ahead?

Call 480-800-7777 to schedule an appointment

Are you a caregiver for someone with dementia and want to learn ways to help him or her have an easier journey?

Call 480-800-7777 to get the support you need





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